Walking Through Grief Society has just held their second Covid AGM. With not being able to open the meeting to the public, perhaps the community is not aware of the Society’s existence and what the Society offers and does in the community.
Here are some questions that are asked-
Who is the Walking Through Grief Society?
Walking Through Grief Society is a non-profit agency available to support and companion those experiencing life losses and are finding coping difficult.
What is the Society’s Mission and Goal?
· The Society believes that grief is normal after any life loss.
· Grief affects people of all ages and all walks of life.
· Each person should be allowed to grieve in their own healthy, unique way.
· Each needs a safe supportive, respectful and welcoming environment in which to process their grief.
The Society exists to ensure that no one needs to journey unsupported through grief.
Who does Walking Through Grief Society serve?
The Society has support programs for Adults in group or one to one and Children’s group (Hope After Loss – Audra’s Legacy) for ages 6-16.
The Society supports those grieving life losses i.e.: death, divorce, job, pet, - relationship and those impacted by trauma loss.
The Society serves those who are terminally ill and their families and those who are institutionalized.
What area does the Walking Through Society serve?
Walking Through Grief Society serves the marketing area of City of Lloydminster , Towns of Vermilion and Wainwright, Villages of Kitscoty and Marwayne and the County of Vermilion River. The Society is also open to calls from out of our area.
Who makes up the Walking Through Grief Society?
· A volunteer Board of 11 people
· Trained volunteer facilitators for Adult groups in Lloydminster, Vermilion and Wainwright.
· Trained volunteer facilitators for the Hope After Loss- Audra’s Legacy program.
How is the Walking Through Grief Society funded?
The Walking Through Grief Society is totally operated by volunteers and funding to support the Society is from FCSS grant contributions and public donations.
Because of this support financially and the fact that all the facilitators are volunteer there is no cost to the public but donations are always gratefully accepted.
How can one access the services of the Walking Through Grief Society?
Walking Through Grief Society can be reached by contacting the Program Director
Shirley L Scott at 780-846-2576 / c 780-871-1750 , email wtgriefsupp@xplornet.ca ,
Web site –wtgrief.wixsite.com/walkingthroughgrief or on Face Book.
Chairman of the Board Annual Report:
“As I prepared my report this AGM, I looked back to where we were one short year ago. The pandemic was relatively new and we facilitated an unusual format for our AGM to satisfy government requirements and not rely on technology that not all our Board members were comfortable using. One year later we are able to meet but are still dealing with the pandemic and things appear not to be returning to “normal” for some time. Our facilitators have faced difficult challenges this past year to keep connected with clients. Our Board has been able to meet regularly once again with masking and social distancing protocols in place. Technology has allowed us to access more training opportunities and we are looking into how technology might enable us to broaden our groups outreach into new areas. I wish to thank all the agencies that support us and our work in their communities. Thank you to each and every one of the board members for your commitment to continuing this work. I am especially thankful for the work of our facilitators who are our front line people and the face of our group Thank you.
Daryl Frank
(Board Chair)
Anyone wishing to receive the reports from the AGM can contact the Program Director and a copy will be sent.
Submitted by: Shirley L Scott for Walking Through Grief Society
Supported by FCSS city of Lloydminster, towns of Vermilion and Wainwright and villages of Kitscoty and Marwayne and County of Vermilion River.