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Take a Minute: Do You Have a Minute?


“Take a Minute”, the theme of the International Association of Suicide Prevention and the World Health Organization for the year 2020, is held on September 10th and set aside to recognize those who have lost loved ones and to focus on Mental Illness and improving Mental Health.

World Suicide Prevention Day began in 2003, to be held on September 10th yearly. IASP and WHO co sponsor this day.Statistics record that an average of 3000 complete suicide daily while at least 20 more attempt. There is strong evidence though that indicate that adequate prevention can reduce Suicide risks.

How can we be part of the change? “Taking a minute to reach out to someone in your community – a family member, friend, colleague or even a stranger – could change the course of another’s life” (from isap).

• Gain knowledge about suicide risks and mental illness and about the resources that are available for those at risk and those who need to become more educated. Have a change of mind – that reaching out to someone to intervene, by our conversation cause the situation to worsen.

• Having personal inner skills to prevent a tragedy ; empathy, compassion, non judgement, a desire to help and the ability to LISTEN (Take a minute).Knowing resources to share can restore HOPE.

• Know the signs of distress; hopelessness, rage, uncontrolled anger, seek revenge, acting recklessly, feelings of being trapped in a situation, increase in alcohol or drug consumption, sleep disturbance ( irregularity) or dramatic mood changes.

• Be sincere; reach out, just be present and LISTEN

There is support for those impacted by the death of a loved one to suicide and for those who are in distress and are listed below.

This year the Lloydminster Suicide Walk of Remembrance has been cancelled due to covid but will take on a different format. We encourage people to get involved on September 10th, 2020:

• Take your own individual Walk of Remembrance.

• Contact for a package of information to Neil at 780-214-6770 or Shirley at 780-846-2576

• Register for ongoing information and updates.

• Be part of the World Wide Remembrance and light a candle at 8 put in a window.


Alberta Mental Health Helpline – 1-877-303-2642 or 811

Sask. Mental Health – Addictions 306-820-6250

Project Sunrise – Lloydminster Mental Health Navigating Tool at –

Website: Canadian Mental Health Assoc. and Alberta Mental Health Assoc.

Local Counsellors and support in group or one to one at Walking Through Grief Society at 780-846-2576 or

How will you be spending your minutes?

Submitted by : Walking Through Grief Society ( Shirley L Scott)

Supported by FCSS : City of Lloydminster, County of Vermilion River, Town of Vermilion and Wainwright, Villages of Kitscoty and Marwayne and donations.

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