Disenfranchised grief refers to grief that is not openly acknowledged, socially supported, or
publicly mourned. This type of grief is often felt by individuals whose loss is not recognized as significant by others, or who do not have the space to grieve openly. This may occur because the relationship with the deceased is not seen as socially acceptable or because the grief is hidden.
One example of disenfranchised grief includes the death of an ex-spouse or partner. Though a relationship ended, there is often an emotional bond that persists. When people lose an ex-partner, others may not understand the dynamics of this emotional bond and may not take their grief as valid. Pet loss is another example of disenfranchised grief. Many do not understand or accept the role that pets play in people’s lives, and therefore, the loss of pets does not seem as significant as losing a human loved one. Miscarriage or stillbirth can also lead to experiencing disenfranchised grief and these losses are often considered hidden grieving experiences.
Further, those who lose a loved one to suicide may also be navigating disenfranchised grief.
The grief experienced by loved ones of someone who has taken their own life can be
compounded by feelings of shame or stigma, leading to less support and understanding. These are just a few of the many experiences of disenfranchised grief.
The following symptoms of disenfranchised grief may be experienced:
1. Feelings of Isolation: Individuals experiencing disenfranchised grief often feel alone in
their grief, lacking the typical support expected during times of grief.
2. Shame or Guilt: Individuals may question whether it is legitimate grief or wondering if
they have the "right" to grieve.
3. Suppressed or Delayed Grief: In some cases, individuals may try to push their grief
aside because it isn't recognized by others, which can lead to unprocessed emotions
that can be delayed.
4. Confusion or Ambivalence: Individuals may feel uncertain about how to express their
grief or whether it is acceptable to feel sad or devastated.
5. Anger or Frustration: Anger can arise from feeling that the loss is not acknowledged, or
from a sense that the grief is being minimized by others.
6. Difficulty Finding Closure: Since others may not acknowledge the grief, it becomes
difficult for individuals to find closure or healing.
Accessing support from grief counsellors or therapists and/or connecting with grief support
groups can be helpful for navigating the symptoms experienced with disenfranchised grief.

Submitted by: Walking Through Grief Society
Funded by FCSS; City of Lloydminster, Towns of Vermilion and Wainwright, Village of Kitscoty, and County of Vermilion River.