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A Litany of Hope

On days when it is a challenge to face a world caught up in joy and lights and carols and gifts; may we receive the gift of understanding the depth of our loss and the hope of healing.

On the days when it seems that no one understands the changes in our lives and the memories carried deep inside; may we receive the gift of courage to speak with honesty and truth, to those who will listen.

When we are afraid to reach out and ask for help of neighbours, friends, co-workers and acquaintances; may we receive the gift of vulnerability to allow others to share pain with us and look together to the source of healing.

When in a fleeting moment we see our loved one out of the corner of our eye, smell his/her presence or hear his/her voice; may we acknowledge the mystery that is life and death and be comforted by a presence that we cannot name or fully know.

When we remember our role with those we cared for as wife, husband, partner, son, daughter, friend or confidante; may we honor the gift we gave and live in the hope that our loved one’s transition was more whole because of our presence with them.

And when hope seems so far away, when fear overcomes us, when suffering is all we remember, when guilt weight us down, when healing and wholeness seem a distant, unachievable goal, and when grief accompanies us like an unwanted guest; may hope be our strong and steadfast companion.

Hope to feel, hope to find community, hope to regain lost faith, hope to laugh and dance to the tune of a song we have never heard before.

Submitted by: Walking Through Grief Society – Shirley L Scott 780-846-2576

Supported by : FCSS ; City of Lloyminster, Town of Vermilion and Wainwright, Villages of Kitscoty and Marwayne , County of Vermilion River and charitable donations.

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